Political Promises (1 Samuel 5)

1 Samuel 5.4 And when they arose early the next morning, there was Dagon, fallen on its face to the ground before the ark of the LORD. The head of Dagon and both the palms of its hands were broken off on the threshold; only Dagon’s torso was left of it. [nkjv]

I was watching candidates from two political parties go head to head on TV once during a national election. They seemed to be trying to out do each other with promises. The longer they spoke, the more incredible the promises became. The magnitude of their promises grew to such a degree that I was almost expecting one of them to promise to put an end to world hunger or something just as incredible.

No matter how amazing their promises were, I couldn't help wondering if, even after being elected, would they have the ability to carry out all of what they had just promised.

What struck me most when reading this chapter was the fact that God is Supreme. He is above all gods and every god will bow before Him. He is above every situation. No matter how bleak things look, God is still God! He was and is and shall always be - 'all powerful'.

I can take great comfort in this. It gives me the courage to face obstacles head on knowing that God is all powerful. He can back up whatever He says. Every promise God has given, He can deliver on!

Lord I thank You for Your words and for the promises You have made. Let me never forget You are not a man that You would lie and that You have the power to see all things work together for good.

What verse stood out to you in this chapter?