God Sees All (1 Samuel 2)

1 Samuel 2.21 And the Lord visited Hannah, so that she conceived and bore three sons and two daughters. Meanwhile the child Samuel grew before the LORD [nkjv]

God never forgot Hannah. She offered back to Him the one thing which she had been praying for - a child. How amazing is that! I am not sure if I could have done the same thing if I were in her place. When you have prayed and prayed for something for so long and with such fervency, to then give it back with no guarantee that she would have anymore children. She fulfilled her promise to God. When I read about her I am reminded of Abraham who was prepared to sacrifice his son on the alter and of our God who sacrificed His only Son for the sins of others. She is an amazing woman!

God is no man's debtor. He knows the desires of our heart and listens to the words of our mouth and sees our actions. And He doesn't forget the sacrifices we make. He is no man's debtor. In His time He rewards the faithful 'pressed down shaken together and running over'. We cannot out give Him.

Lord, help me to be the sort of person who is true to my word. Let my yes be yes and my no be no. Let me never forget Your faithfulness towards those who seek You with their whole heart and help me to always walk in integrity.

This is what I got from 1 Samuel 2, how about you?