What's in My Jar? (Galatians 2)
A high school science teacher wanted to teach his students a valuable life lesson. Taking a large jar, he placed several large rocks in it. He then asked the class, "Is it full?" Unanimously the class replied, "Yes!" The teacher then took a bucket of gravel and poured it into the jar. The small rocks settled into the spaces between the big rocks. And again he asked the class, "Is it full?" Most of the students replied, "Yes!"
The teacher then produced a can of sand and proceeded to pour it into the jar. The sand filled up the spaces between the gravel. For a third time he asked the students, "Is it full?" The students response was a much more reserved "Yes!"
Then finally the teacher brought out a jug of water and began to pour it into the glass jar. The water saturated the sand. At this point he turned and asked the class, "What is the point of this demonstration?" One bright student raised his hand and said confidently, "No matter how full one's schedule is in life, you can always squeeze in more!"
The teacher replied, "The point of the demonstration is that unless you first place the big rocks in the jar, you are never going to get them in later. The rocks are the important things in your life. If you fill your life with small things, you will never have time for the important things!"
Paul went to Jerusalem as a direct result of receiving revelation from God, revelation he received through spending time with God. Jesus did the same thing. The Bible says He often spent time alone with His Father in prayer and it was in these times that He received direction and encouragement. Both Jesus and Paul made their time with God a priority.
Our time with God is one of those big rocks in our life. So many times I've allowed myself to get so busy that I see it as expendable. A negotiable. One of those things I'll get to if I get around to it.
And there are other rocks as well. Time spent with my wife and children, time spent developing my strengths, time spent helping others. If I am not careful, I can get too focussed sometimes on the gravel, the sand and the water only to discover after filling my jar that I've left out a couple of my big rocks.
I need to make sure my rocks are the first things I place in my jar. They are my priority. After all these are the things which have eternal consequences. I need to choose each and every day, "What do I place first in my jar today."
At the end of my life, regardless of what I choose, my jar will be full. I just want it to be full of those things which matter most.
Gal 2:20 "My old self has been crucified with Christ.[e] It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. So I live in this earthly body by trusting in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me."
Living out my Christianity is no part-time or casual exercise. "I no longer live but Christ lives in me". Wow - thats a big call if you think about it - completely contrary to the attitude of the culture we live in, a ME-centric life just doesnt cut it. Im not referring to just avoiding sin. Its not even about doing things for God occasionally. If I am dead and Christ lives within me, then my life needs to reflect a Christ-centric attitude and approach. Do I live my every day and every aspect of life with that attitude? Do I live in my earthly body, trusting (relying always) in the Son of God and not on myself?
It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me.
Sometimes I think I've got it. Of course its Christ living in me!.Then I leave home........
Why is my train cancelled?
Why do I work on this train line?
Why is the vending machine now luring me to buy a kitkat to eat while I wait?
Why do I need to get this train?
oh yeah, to get to my crappy job.
Is this job really God's plan for me?
Cause I'm bored with it.
Why is there never any attractive male bible readers on my train?
I thought you knew my hearts desire Lord!!
And in no less that 30 mins "Christ lives in me" has become "I live in me".
Mabey I need to tattoo Galations 2:20 on my heart, so everytime I breath I'm remineded. It's Christ. Living in me. Giving me breath.Resurrecting my spirit.Jesus, I will go where you lead me.
Pastor Joseph that is one of the most simple but profound things I have read in a long time!!
No matter what we choose at the end of our lives our jars will always be full - let's make sure that our jars our full of the right stuff! That blew me away...just am loving what you write!!!
Gal 2:16 "Yet we know that a person is made right with God by faith in Jesus Christ, not by obeying the law. And we have believed in Christ Jesus, so that we might be made right with God because of our faith in Christ, not because we have obeyed the law. For no one will ever be made right with God by obeying the law." (NLT)
So nothing we ever do can make us right with God - well maybe that doesn't sound as if it's such a good thing?? But wait here's the good bit - the bit where we all breathe a sigh of relief - Someone else took care of the making us right bit!!!
Yep - sounds hard to believe but there it is! All we have to do is have faith in the One who made it possible.
Don't ask me why - that has always had me guessing a little. Oh I know that it's all to do with love but think about it - love on such a great scale and for people who thought so little of that love that they crucified Him because of it. I guess I'll only ever fully understand that part of it when I stand before Him and look into those loving eyes for myself.
But for now to know that because of that love, grace spilled over touching us all - even me. I am made right with God is something that always melts my heart. Nothing is needed but FAITH! What peace and freedom there is in knowing that! And there is no need to wrestle with that because in Gen 15:6 even Abraham (who had never heard of Jesus and what He would do for us) was counted as righteous and accepted by God because of (yep that's right) his FAITH!
If faith can make us right with a Holy God just think what else it can do!! I pray that I learn to live by faith and not by what I think I need to do more than I ever have before..............
Galatians 2:6 As for those who seemed to be important – whatever they were makes no difference to me; God does not judge by external appearance – those men added nothing to my message.
We should follow God’s example of not judging by appearance or supposed importance. Even when people have a position of responsibility or authority they should not be counted above others. Treat everyone with equal respect and value God’s counsel above man’s.
Gal 2:13 ...Even Barnabas was led astray...
Gal 2:21 (MSG)
Is it not clear to you that to go back to that old rule-keeping, peer-pleasing religion would be an abandonment of everything personal and free in my relationship with God? I refuse to do that, to repudiate God's grace. If a living relationship with God could come by rule-keeping, then Christ died unnecessarily.
To me this passage says it all
To IsabelR
That thought that you included at the end of your blog about the tattoo has stayed with me now for nearly a week.
I've never been one for tattoos but I was really touched by your thought of a tattoo of Gal 2:20 tattooed on your heart - so every time you breathe you're reminded that it's Jesus that lived within. It gave me a new appreciation for tattoos!! A beautiful thought!
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