Signs of the Times! (Ephesians 4)
Ephesians 4:17 So I tell you this, I insist on it in the Lord, that you must no longer live as the Gentiles do, in the futility of their thinking. [niv]
As Christians we know from the Bible that we are not meant to conform to the culture we live in. We're not meant to be like the other people who don't live for Christ. We're meant to be different. It's hard though, we are children of the culture we live in. We are completely wrapped up in it, completely dependent on it, right from birth.
As Christians we know from the Bible that we are not meant to conform to the culture we live in. We're not meant to be like the other people who don't live for Christ. We're meant to be different. It's hard though, we are children of the culture we live in. We are completely wrapped up in it, completely dependent on it, right from birth.
We're told not to live as Gentiles do, which is to say, those who don't know Christ and worship him. It's a hard task, a very broad task, a task that seems hard to start. Fortunately for us Paul gives us a great sign post; "in the futility of their thinking."
As Christians we have Christ in our hearts. We live in His power. We thrive in His power. We glow with His power. We don't have to think futile thoughts like "I can't, it's too hard." If we are walking in Christ, we can! We are empowered by Him to live large, active, exciting, joyous lives. We are told to go out and be adventurous, take risks, fall over, knowing that our Saviour will pick us up again, stronger, healthier more vital than before.
As Christians we have Christ in our hearts. We live in His power. We thrive in His power. We glow with His power. We don't have to think futile thoughts like "I can't, it's too hard." If we are walking in Christ, we can! We are empowered by Him to live large, active, exciting, joyous lives. We are told to go out and be adventurous, take risks, fall over, knowing that our Saviour will pick us up again, stronger, healthier more vital than before.
Don't be caught thinking you're not big enough, strong enough or clever enough. You've got the Creator of the universe on your side, backing you up. With that, there's nothing you can't do. Don't think there's no hope, you have hope in Christ. Don't think you're not good enough, you're washed by the blood of the Lamb.
Futile, hopeless thoughts are the domain of people who don't know Christ. For us, we have hope, joy and love eternal, right from the top.
Thanks for that, Dom. It's a good reminder that often, a negative outlook starts in the mind. We need to choose to look to the promises of Christ and claim those as we walk through our day. We CAN in fact do anything with God as our strength!
Ephesians 4:26-27 And “don’t sin by letting anger control you.”[d] Don’t let the sun go down while you are still angry, for anger gives a foothold to the devil.
This verse feels like a familiar old friend to me - my mum used to drum it into me when I was a kid and it is a principle/rule that has been put into practice many times since I got married!
These days, counselors, psychologists and others in the mental health industry readily acknowledge that anger, bitterness and resentment are the biggest saboteurs in relationships and personal happiness. As Paul noted nearly 2000 years ago, to allow a spirit of anger (sustained negative thoughts/emotions towards another) to reside in our heart even overnight is just asking for trouble - its the same as setting up a base-camp for the Enemy within yourself from which he can launch attacks on relationships (the 'divide and conquer' strategy).
Today we have a solid marriage, and I cant help but attribute at least partial credit to this verse. So thanks Mum, thanks Paul and thanks God! =)
Ephesians 4:2 Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.
As a teacher these words resonate strongly with me and my philosophy of teaching and guidance of young people. We must be prepared to be humble, that is, not to exceed our position and elevate ourselves above our students. Whilst we have a responsibility to instruct we have a greater responsibility to encourage and guide our students so that they can explore and discover. As our students do not all have the same capacity or interest in learning we must show patience and understanding toward them. Some students learn at a slower rate so we must persevere through genuine compassion so that they are able to gain understanding with dignity. Not all students learn in the same way and so we must search for what suits each individual and this again must take time and patience. A teacher demonstrates their love and dedication for their students through their willingness to treat them with respect and allow their dignity.
Teaching is not about imparting knowledge, although there is this aspect, but about providing experiences for our students to grow. They are to grow intellectually but also in their ability to develop relationships and in their spiritual development. Teachers have a huge responsibility to ensure their students pursue truth and develop into positive productive members of their community. A Christian teacher has a responsibility not only to provide these opportunities but also with patience, love and genuine concern for their students in a humble and gentle manner. This verse could easily be one that a teacher could use on a daily basis to remind them of their purpose.
Ephesians 4:1 As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.
Eph 4:111-12 Now these are the gifts Christ gave to the church, the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, and the pastors and teachers. Their responsibility is to equip God's people to do His work and build up the church, the body of Christ."
Here is a clear mandate for the church to grow up a people capable of carrying out Christ's work in this generation. So often we hear of churches that seem to fall short of this foundational role. All I could think of as I read this was how blessed we are to be a part of LifeHouse church - whose role (as far as I have seen since I became a part of it) is to equip and enable each of us to become active Christians in our communities. Thank God for the vision of this church which takes this responsibility so seriously!!!
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