A Six Year Old Can Make a Difference! (Philippians 2)
In 1998, when Ryan Hreljac was in grade one he learned from his teacher that people were dying because they didn't have clean water to drink. He started doing simple household chores to raise money to buy a well for a village in Uganda. After four months of hard work, he managed to save $70 only to discover that a well would take $2000 to drill. Undaunted, he set out talking with family and friends, challenging them and raising much needed funds. By then end of 1998 he had raised $3000, making headlines in the local newspaper.
Ryan’s determination continued to grow. Today the Ryan's Well Foundation, has raised millions of dollars and has built a total of 502 water and sanitation projects in 16 countries bringing clean water and sanitation services to over 621,712 people.
And Ryan is not alone. Erin Oquindo received 99 pairs of shoes and 154 pairs of socks last September for her 9th birthday. All of which she promptly gave away. When Erin invited friends to her birthday party, she told them she didn't want gifts for herself but asked them to bring shoes and socks to donate to a local charity for orphans. This is just one of the many mission projects Erin has participated in. She has donated her time and efforts to an array of causes including hurricane relief, clothing and food drive and aid for animals. When asked why she does what she does, Erin commented, "It makes me happy and it honours God. I think it makes Him happy too!"
Although they may be young, these amazing kids have learned something that we as adults tend to forget. They have learned to look out for the interests of others. In our 'me' focussed world, imagine just how different life would be if we all spent a little more time helping others instead of helping ourselves.
After all, this is how Jesus lived!
Philippians 2:4 (MSG) Don't push your way to the front; don't sweet-talk your way to the top. Put yourself aside, and help others get ahead. Don't be obsessed with getting your own advantage. Forget yourselves long enough to lend a helping hand.
We often do this in prayer as well as in life. Until, through Jesus our love overflows for Him into wanting to help others.
We discover how much more joy there is in changing our focus from ourselves and lending a hand or an ear to help someone else, in being selfless instead of selfish.
Philippians 2:14 Do everything without complaining or arguing
How often do I remember doing things for others but at least a little grudgingly. To be asked to do something but to make a comment or do it slowly and obviously against my will.
I try now to do things because I want to help and if it is inconvenient or unpleasant then so be it. We tend to do those things that will give us a sense of pleasure or satisfaction, however there are those tasks we don't like. We must learn we are not doing things for our own good feelings but because it will help others.
It is not easy to do the things that will serve others; that need to be done. Rather we tend to do those things that whilst on behalf of others also please us.
Someone might have an overgrown garden and need help. Someone who enjoys gardening might happily help out. But what about the person who hates gardening, if he helps without complaint then he is following this message.
We can't pick and choose when and how to serve, we need to just get on and do it. This is not easy but it is what God requires.
Joseph - what an amazing post. Makes me think about how much or how little? I've really done with my life...
And Kevin what a great insight into why we help others...
Phil 2:13 "For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases Him." (NLT)
Once again Paul reminds us that it's all about how God has transformed us. Sometimes we get a little caught up on our own "right way of thinking" and start to congratulate ourselves on our good works. But it all boils down to God's goodness deposited in us. Not our feeble minds and hearts - but the very heart of God Himself in us.
Both the desire and power to do what pleases Him come from God.
Philippians 2:3 "Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself"
Being in India at the moment has really helped me to see another side to life. I thought I would feel really sorry for the people here but instead I find myself looking up to them in many ways. They may be struggling in some ways but in others they are so rich. I have found them to be so humble, kind and generous even in their struggles. I think many people would think the Western world is better in some way but I think this trip has made me realise that we can all learn something from eachother. It is only when we humble ourselves and step away from our own desires and ambitions that we can see the true beauty and lessons God has for us.
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