Lessons from an old lady! (Luke 13)
[strength to stand]
In recent years some medical doctors have used "laugh therapy" with their patients. I heard a story about a lady who was healed through laughter. Her doctor prescribed a steady diet of "The Three Stooges." She was instructed to watch the videos of their old films as much as possible. It worked. She actually laughed her way to health. Although there is not a lot of scientific proof when it comes to laughter as a medicine, researchers are gathering evidence that the way we feel can directly affect chemicals in our bodies, influencing everything from our brain to our heart. Laughter is thought to decrease stress and lower blood pressure. It may even increase blood flow and act as a natural pain killer.
Even though this is a relatively new and unknown frontier in modern medical science, King Solomon wrote about it thousands of years ago in Proverbs. "A merry heart does good like a medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones."
The Bible says a lot about joy and laughter. As I have been reading, the one thing that God has been speaking to me over an over again is the fact that the source of my joy is not found in what I own, who I know, how much money I have or how healthy I feel. I could be walking through hell on earth, yet according to scripture, still be able to lift my hands, sing and rejoice!
The source of my joy is God. He is good. He is full of grace and love. I find that when I put my trust in Him, even when things don't make sense, I still have peace. I view life from a different perspective. I see things how He sees them and I am able to laugh in the face of adversity.
The Apostle Paul knew this better than anyone. He was whipped, beaten, tortured, shipwrecked, imprisoned, falsely accused and suffered illness, yet through it all was able to rejoice. Amazingly he even wrote this verse while imprisoned in a damp, dark, cold, rat infested Roman jail cell.
The trick of the enemy is to keep us focused on the things around us, because he knows that when we do that, we take our eyes off God and off the source of joy. Eventually our strength will fail and we will fall.
How he must hate it when a Christian stands up against all odds and lifts their hands and voice to praise their God and laughs out loud! I want to be that person!
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