Sometimes the Good Guys Don't Win! (Esther 3)
A few years ago I went with a friend to see Final Destination 3. I had no idea what I was in for. I tried closing my eyes but the sounds of teenagers screaming as they were systematically shredded, diced and splattered all over the big screen conjured up all sorts of pictures in my imagination. At one point in the movie, I tried using my jacket as a blindfold, which enabled me to use my hands to cover my ears. All was working great until I realised that I had no idea when it was safe to come out of my cocoon. Unfortunately for me I'd always pick the worst possible moment, just when some poor soul was about to meet death head on.
The more spiritual among us would suggest that perhaps I should have walked out and got my money back or maybe I should have asked myself 'what would Jesus do?' before purchasing the ticket in the first place. I think curiosity got the better of me and once I was in there, I had to stay. I needed to know that the hero would prevail and there would be a happy Hollywood ending after all.
But it never happened!. There was no happy ending. The good guys didn't win. In fact I think they all died horribly! I left the cinema feeling cheated, violated and in need of a 'Touched by an Angel' marathon to wash away the pictures now embedded in my brain.
The Bible says that after the events of chapter 2, where Mordecai saved the kings life, it was Haman who got a promotion. An ungodly man moved ahead and the hero was forgotten. Hayman was a direct descendant of Agag, King of the Amalekites, Israel's sworn enemy. And he was the one getting the promotion!
Sometimes it seems like the good guys just don't win.
I've lived through times like this. You do your best each day to live according to God's Word and your prayers still go unanswered. You tithe faithfully yet you see no blessing, while your non-Christian friends, who have no desire for God whatsoever, seem to be enjoying the fruits of their success.
It makes no sense whatsoever. God are You even there? Do You care?
But the one thing I have come to learn in my life is that despite what is happening around me, God can be trusted. I don't even try anymore to work out 'why' things happen. I just trust Him. He is on this journey with me. He was there at the start and He will be there at the end. I trust that He knows what is happening and why it is happening. He has His reasons for doing what He does. Who am I to question Him?
My only responsibility is to keep doing what He has asked me to do for as long as He needs me to because I know that I will reap a harvest in due season, if I don't lose heart.
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