Eat What You Want and Stay Thin! (Mark 11)
Sometimes false advertising is easy to spot. We hear those incredible statements like 'lose 50 kilo's in 5 days' or 'eat all you want and stay thin!' If it sounds too good to be true, most often it usually is. But sometimes false advertising is a little more subtle.
Jesus found the fig tree to be guilty of the same sort of false advertising and He cursed it! Not because it didn't have fruit, but because it's green leaves promised fruit but delivered none.
There are too many churches today doing exactly the same thing. They present themselves publicly in such a way that hungry people are drawn to the 'green leaves' in search of food, only to find upon closer inspection that there is no fruit on the tree. People come expecting sustenance and substance but leave empty handed and I think their heart grows a little more cynical each time it happens.
However it's easy to cast blame on the church but we need to remember that churches are made up of people, just like you and me. So we have a responsibility as individuals to ask ourselves the question, "if someone came looking at my tree, what fruit would they find?"
Love? Joy? Peace? Patience? Kindness? Goodness? Faithfulness? Meekness? Self-control?
Maybe if we all did that, the church today would resemble more of what Christ intended for her to be.
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