A Sermon a Day Keeps Revival Away! (Esther 4)
I am not sure exactly how many churches there are in the world but a few years ago it was estimated to be around 3.7 million Christian congregations, grouped in around 67,000 different denominations. So let's say each church only ran one service over the weekend, that's 3.7 million sermons will be preached this Sunday. That's 193 million sermons a year!
So with all that pulpit pounding going on, you'd think everything that could and should be said has been. So why then do an estimated 50,000 churches close there doors each year? Why hasn't revival broken out across the globe? How many sermons does a person need to hear before transformation can take place in their life?
Something is missing!
Leonard Ravenhill, one of Britain's foremost outdoor evangelists of the 20th century once said, "if Jesus had preached the same message that ministers preach today, He would never have been crucified!"
Maybe a preacher needs something else besides a theological degree, marketability and great stage presence. Maybe a sermon needs to be made up of more than just politically correct words, inspirational stories and Christian cliches.
Ravenhill, went on to say, "the only reason we don't have revival is because we are willing to live without it!"
Mordecai, after learning of His people's fate, tore his clothes, wept aloud and began to intercede for his people with the queen.
Scripture tells me that when we are prepared to humble ourself, pray, seek His face and turn from our wicked ways, then He will hear from heaven, forgive our sins and heal our land.
Ultimately it won't be a sermon which ushers in the move of God we so desperately need but rather the humble prayers of a person on their knees daily interceding for their friends, their neighbours, their family and their nation.
Charles Finney once told about a dead church in the 1700's. No one was coming to Christ and it seemed no one cared. Except one man, a stuttering blacksmith. He stuttered so badly it was painful to listen to him speak. But he had a burden for revival! He closed the doors of his shop and prayed earnestly. He obtained permission from the pastor of the church to schedule a meeting in which he would speak. The pastor agreed, warning no one would come. To the pastor's surprise, the building was full. As the blacksmith got up to speak, all he could say was, "Jesus", which he kept repeating over and over again. God's presence filled the church and many came to Christ, not just in that Church but all over the country.
I believe the greatest sermons are those born from prayer and in the words of Leonard Ravenhill, "The man who knees before God will stand before men."
Lord help me to be that man.
Oh wow! That is so true!
God bless you, brother.
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