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The s2s Project begins this Monday!

This Monday sees the launch of the first s2s Project at LifeHouse Church!
There are over 150 passionate people just like you, coming along on the journey as we read through the Word of God together as a Church.

Our plan is by the end of the month each person will have read four books of the Bible, written out 20 verses that hold special meaning to them and had the opportunity to help encourage someone else in their walk with God through what you share either in person or online.

Multiply this 150 times and then imagine the impact this will have on us as a Church and on our community!

Here’s how it works...

Each day simply
  • pray and ask the Holy Spirit to lead you
  • read the chapter for the day
  • write out the ONE verse which catches your attention
One of the first things we learn when we are born is that we can’t survive alone. We need others. It’s the same with our Christian walk. To really get the full benefit of the s2s Project, we need to share what God is saying to us with others. It creates accountability, builds community and strengthens our faith.

Simply click on the comments button at the bottom of the daily post and leave your verse and why that verse stood out to you. Feel free to comment as many times as you like and let people know if something they have written has encouraged you. You will need to choose an identity to be able to leave a comment. If you don’t have a Google account, simply use the ‘name/url’ option.

If you have any difficulty in leaving a comment, please email me at

This will be an amazing month and my prayer is that you discover for yourself the power that is in the Word of God to transform your life.

God bless

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Popcorn Christianity! (Mark 15)

Mark 15.21 Then they compelled a certain man, Simon a Cyrenian, the father of Alexander and Rufus, as he was coming out of the country and passing by, to bear His cross. [nkjv]

Mel Gibson's film 'The Passion of the Christ' gave many people a new understanding of Jesus' journey to the cross and the horror of his crucifixion. Like many Christians around the world, I went with my Church to go and see the movie. In some ways I wish I hadn't. I would much rather have sat in the privacy of my home so I couldn't be distracted by the people around me. Along with many others in the cinema that day, I was moved to tears. All I could think while I watched Jesus being beaten, whipped and crucified was, 'He did this for me!" But there were some in the cinema who talked through the movie, some giggled while others sat there in their comfortable seats stuffing their faces with popcorn, chips and choc tops, while the Son of God was crucified in front of them!

Jesus' death to these 'Christians' was nothing more than a night's entertainment!

Afterwards as people were coming out of the cinema, some wanted to chat, all I wanted to do was jump in the car and go home as quickly as I could. I wanted to be alone. Scenes from the movie played over and over again in my head. I just wanted to fall in a heap on the floor somewhere and sob, and repent of living a selfish life. There was also part of me which wanted to phone every one of those 'so called Christians' and give them a piece of my mind. How can you watch something like that and be indifferent!

But I guess there were thousands of people just like these who actually witnessed Jesus going to the cross that day and walked away unchanged. Some hurled insults. Some jeered. Some even took great joy in seeing Him suffer. Would I have been any different if I were there that day?

There were some who were impacted. There were those closest to Jesus, His mother and friends who watched from afar. There was the Roman centurion who came to the realisation that this truly was the Son of God. There was the criminal on the cross who that day entered with Jesus into eternity. And there was Simon, the man compelled to carry the cross of Christ.

Simon was from North Africa. Maybe he was chosen because he was black, maybe because he was a foreigner, maybe because he stood out in the crowd. Regardless of why, he had the honour of being the very first person to carry the cross of Christ. But he had to be forced to do it.

To carry the cross of Christ is never easy. It is never comfortable and it is never convenient. But Jesus tells us that if we want to follow Him, it is something we need to do daily. To carry the cross causes us to focus our attention on Christ. It means laying down our will, our desires, our dreams. It forces us to stop thinking about ourselves. It causes us to stand out in the crowd and identifies us with Jesus.

Just like Simon, we are 'compelled' to do it but we are often blessed by the things we are compelled to do. We are changed! Scripture says that Simon was the father of Rufus and Alexander. We learn in Romans that Rufus was someone known to the early Church and was a devoted follower of Christ. We can surmise that something happened to Simon that day. He may have been a stranger to the city. He may not have known this 'Jesus' whose cross he was commanded to carry, but in carrying the cross, a transformation took place, one which not only changed his life but also that of his children.

My prayer is that we all put down the popcorn and pick up the cross so we can experience the transforming power of Jesus' love in our lives.
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Prison Break! (Esther 7)

Esther 7.10 So they hanged Haman on the gallows that he had prepared for Mordecai. Then the king’s wrath subsided. [nkjv]

On the 19th December 1965, Ronald Joseph Ryan and Peter John Walker put a daring plan into action to escape from Pentridge Prison in Melbourne, Victoria. As prison officers were taking turns attending a staff Christmas party, the men scaled a five-metre prison wall with the aid of two wooden benches, a hook and blankets. They overpowered a prison warden and took his weapon. After a series of bungled attempts, they finally managed to open the outer prison gate and escape into the car park, and out onto Sydney Rd. By this time the alarm had sounded and prison guards were converging quickly on their location.

People abandoned their vehicles and ran for cover and trams banked up as these two armed men caused havoc at the busy intersection of Sydney Rd and O'Hea St. In the confusion that followed prison warder George Hodgson was shot and killed while trying to apprehend the escapees. He died on Sydney Rd.

Both men were eventually recaptured after 19 days on the run.

On the 3rd February 1967 Ronald Joseph Ryan entered the history books as the last person legally executed in Australia. He was found guilty of killing a prison officer during his escape from Pentridge Prison in 1965 and sentenced to death by hanging. With thousands of people protesting outside the prison and all calls for clemency denied, Ryan refused any sedatives and walked calmly to the gallows trapdoor. The hangman wasted no time and quickly pulled the lever. A nationwide three minute silence was observed at the exact time Ryan was hanged. His execution created massive public outrage and eventually lead to the abolition of the death penalty.

During ancient times, hanging was just as gruesome as it was in 1967 however back then it was usually done after the execution, not usually as a means of execution itself. Simply stringing someone up to a tree wasn't enough for the ancient Persians. The word 'gallows' mentioned here is a pointed stake set upright in the ground. In this case Haman had ordered it built 25 meters high. The intention was that Mordecai would be arrested, placed on the sharp point and then pulled down by his legs till the stake that went in passed up through his body, coming out through his neck. Haman would take great delight in the fact that Mordecai wouldn't die a quick death but would spend his last hours in excruciating agony.

This was the death planned for Mordecai but because of the love one woman had for her people, became Haman's ultimate fate. The guilty died in place of the innocent.

Fast forward a few hundred years into the future and we see history repeating itself. Satan had a plan to rid the world of the One who caused him so much humiliation. He stirred up the crowd, manipulated those in authority and falsely accused Jesus Christ, the Son of God of all manner of sin. They took Him and crucified Him to a tree, a gruesome form of capital punishment adapted by the Romans from the Persians.

This time around though it was the innocent who died for the guilty!

Because of my sin, I am the one who should have been punished, yet it was Jesus who took my place so I can walk free. During those excruciating hours, while hanging between heaven and earth, Jesus lifted up His head and said "Father forgive them for they know not what they do."

He did that so I can be free!
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Wide Awake! (Esther 6)

Esther 6.1 That night the king could not sleep. So one was commanded to bring the book of the records of the chronicles; and they were read before the king. [nkjv]

When she was 17 years old, Ila Manner discovered she was pregnant. It was Florida 1968 and her parents decided it was in the family's best interest to keep the pregnancy a secret. They admitted their daughter into the Florence Crittenton Home for unwed mothers. On the 9th August 1968, after two days of labour, Ila gave birth to a baby boy. Although she wasn't allowed to hold him, deep down she secretly hoped that someday she would find her son again.

Three weeks after his birth, Ben, as he was later named, was adopted by a loving family and moved 3,000 miles away to San Francisco. Ila went on to marry and had a daughter named Kari. They moved to New York and she established herself there as a successful jewelry designer.

It wasn't until many years later that Kari stumbled across the family secret and learned of the existence of her older brother. She began a search for her missing sibling, hiring investigators, researching adoption records but hitting legal roadblocks along the way. The same roadblocks Ben was finding in his search for his mother.

After 11 years of fruitless investigation, Kari called it quits and decided to follow in her mother's footsteps and pursue a career in the jewelry business. Although successful in New York, she felt the urge to move to San Francisco, despite the fact that she knew no one there. She found a roommate by the name of Erin Kehoe. Erin introduced Kari to a few of her friends. One night in July 2002, while out at a popular nightspot, Erin introduced Kari to one of her oldest friends, Ben Davis!

Without realising who he was, Kari struck up a friendship with Ben. A few weeks later over dinner, Kari shared with Ben her search for her brother and how unlucky she was. Ben weighed in, "I know what you mean, I have been trying to find my mother without any luck." When Kari mentioned her brother's birthday, Ben stared in disbelief and said, "that's my birthday!"

To cut a long story short, after DNA tests proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that Ben was in fact Kari's brother, Ila flew from New York to San Fransico to meet the baby she gave up 34 years earlier. She later told reporters, "I walked up to him ever so slowly and I put out my hand. And I touched his face. And it was exquisite, to touch my baby."

I don't believe in coincidence!

Although God is not mentioned in the book of Esther, His fingerprints can be found all over the pages. It was not a coincidence that the king couldn't sleep, that he chose to read a specific book, that through reading this book learned of the lack of appreciation shown to Mordecai, at the exact same moment Hayman, a man hell bent on destroying the Jewish people, walked into the room.

All little incidents, which by themselves seem insignificant but together all point to one undeniable truth - God is in control!

This is sometimes difficult for us to understand, especially when bad things happen. But we must trust the total plan. No matter what we face, God is not taken by surprise. Scripture tells me that 'all things work together.' Any one event taken in isolation may seem to make no sense but when we see all things, good and bad, working together, we then see the ultimate wisdom of God's plan and love of our Heavenly Father.
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Dress for success! (Esther 5)

Esther 5.1-2 Now it happened on the third day that Esther put on her royal robes and stood in the inner court of the king’s palace, across from the king’s house, while the king sat on his royal throne in the royal house, facing the entrance of the house. So it was, when the king saw Queen Esther standing in the court, that she found favor in his sight... [nkjv]

In June 2008, while filming in Rome, Tom Hanks halted the production of his new film 'Angels & Demons' to rush to the aid of an Australian bride stuck in traffic. Natalia Dearnley, a 28 year old Sales and Marketing Manager, was on her way to her wedding ceremony inside the historic Pantheon when the incident occurred. Noticing that the roads were clogged with film production vehicles and tourists, Hanks yelled 'cut' and then rushed to her aid. With the help of his large security detail, he ushered the bride through the cheering crowd and into the Pantheon, where an anxious groom was waiting.

I'm sure there were many caught in the chaos that day who had pressing engagements elsewhere but Hanks only chose to come to the assistance of just one. Dressed in her beautiful white wedding gown, Natalia stood out from the rest of the crowd simply because of what she was wearing.

What she was wearing said a lot about who she was and where she was headed!

It got me thinking, what does what I wear say about me?

Just so we're clear, I'm not referring to clothes.

In chapter 4, Queen Esther came to the realisation that she had been brought into the kingdom for such a time as this. Now in chapter 5, she begins to dress herself accordingly, to win the favour of the king and save her people.

I really believe that God has a purpose for my life. I have been born for such a time as this. The question then is, "what am I dressing myself in to stand before the king?"

We have been given a robe of righteousness. A garment of praise. A belt of truth. Peace. Salvation. Love. Do I clothe myself in these to carry out His purposes or do I settle for something less? If I really believe that God has a purpose for my life, the degree of that belief will be evidenced by not only what I wear but also the time I allow to get ready.

Ask any bride, it takes time to get ready on your wedding day. I am sure Esther took time to prepare herself to come before the king and I know to carry out God's purposes for my life will take time as well. Preparation.

Maybe I need to give more time to His Word, or in prayer. Maybe I need to surround my life with people who will encourage me onward and upward. Maybe I need to do a course, learn a skill, study, train. Maybe I need to put my hand up to do the jobs nobody else wants to do so God can develop my character.

At the end of the day I need to make sure I dress for where I'm going, not for where I've been.
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A Sermon a Day Keeps Revival Away! (Esther 4)

Esther 4.1 When Mordecai learned all that had happened, he tore his clothes and put on sackcloth and ashes, and went out into the midst of the city. He cried out with a loud and bitter cry. [nkjv]

I am not sure exactly how many churches there are in the world but a few years ago it was estimated to be around 3.7 million Christian congregations, grouped in around 67,000 different denominations. So let's say each church only ran one service over the weekend, that's 3.7 million sermons will be preached this Sunday. That's 193 million sermons a year!

So with all that pulpit pounding going on, you'd think everything that could and should be said has been. So why then do an estimated 50,000 churches close there doors each year? Why hasn't revival broken out across the globe? How many sermons does a person need to hear before transformation can take place in their life?

Something is missing!

Leonard Ravenhill, one of Britain's foremost outdoor evangelists of the 20th century once said, "if Jesus had preached the same message that ministers preach today, He would never have been crucified!"

Maybe a preacher needs something else besides a theological degree, marketability and great stage presence. Maybe a sermon needs to be made up of more than just politically correct words, inspirational stories and Christian cliches.

Ravenhill, went on to say, "the only reason we don't have revival is because we are willing to live without it!"

Mordecai, after learning of His people's fate, tore his clothes, wept aloud and began to intercede for his people with the queen.

Scripture tells me that when we are prepared to humble ourself, pray, seek His face and turn from our wicked ways, then He will hear from heaven, forgive our sins and heal our land.

Ultimately it won't be a sermon which ushers in the move of God we so desperately need but rather the humble prayers of a person on their knees daily interceding for their friends, their neighbours, their family and their nation.

Charles Finney once told about a dead church in the 1700's. No one was coming to Christ and it seemed no one cared. Except one man, a stuttering blacksmith. He stuttered so badly it was painful to listen to him speak. But he had a burden for revival! He closed the doors of his shop and prayed earnestly. He obtained permission from the pastor of the church to schedule a meeting in which he would speak. The pastor agreed, warning no one would come. To the pastor's surprise, the building was full. As the blacksmith got up to speak, all he could say was, "Jesus", which he kept repeating over and over again. God's presence filled the church and many came to Christ, not just in that Church but all over the country.

I believe the greatest sermons are those born from prayer and in the words of Leonard Ravenhill, "The man who knees before God will stand before men."

Lord help me to be that man.
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Sometimes the Good Guys Don't Win! (Esther 3)

Esther 3.1 After these things King Ahasuerus promoted Haman, the son of Hammedatha the Agagite, and advanced him and set his seat above all the princes who were with him. [nkjv]

A few years ago I went with a friend to see Final Destination 3. I had no idea what I was in for. I tried closing my eyes but the sounds of teenagers screaming as they were systematically shredded, diced and splattered all over the big screen conjured up all sorts of pictures in my imagination. At one point in the movie, I tried using my jacket as a blindfold, which enabled me to use my hands to cover my ears. All was working great until I realised that I had no idea when it was safe to come out of my cocoon. Unfortunately for me I'd always pick the worst possible moment, just when some poor soul was about to meet death head on.

The more spiritual among us would suggest that perhaps I should have walked out and got my money back or maybe I should have asked myself 'what would Jesus do?' before purchasing the ticket in the first place. I think curiosity got the better of me and once I was in there, I had to stay. I needed to know that the hero would prevail and there would be a happy Hollywood ending after all.

But it never happened!. There was no happy ending. The good guys didn't win. In fact I think they all died horribly! I left the cinema feeling cheated, violated and in need of a 'Touched by an Angel' marathon to wash away the pictures now embedded in my brain.

The Bible says that after the events of chapter 2, where Mordecai saved the kings life, it was Haman who got a promotion. An ungodly man moved ahead and the hero was forgotten. Hayman was a direct descendant of Agag, King of the Amalekites, Israel's sworn enemy. And he was the one getting the promotion!

Sometimes it seems like the good guys just don't win.

I've lived through times like this. You do your best each day to live according to God's Word and your prayers still go unanswered. You tithe faithfully yet you see no blessing, while your non-Christian friends, who have no desire for God whatsoever, seem to be enjoying the fruits of their success.

It makes no sense whatsoever. God are You even there? Do You care?

But the one thing I have come to learn in my life is that despite what is happening around me, God can be trusted. I don't even try anymore to work out 'why' things happen. I just trust Him. He is on this journey with me. He was there at the start and He will be there at the end. I trust that He knows what is happening and why it is happening. He has His reasons for doing what He does. Who am I to question Him?

My only responsibility is to keep doing what He has asked me to do for as long as He needs me to because I know that I will reap a harvest in due season, if I don't lose heart.
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I Would Do Anything For Love But I Won't Do That! (Esther 2)

Esther 2.9 Now the young woman pleased him, and she obtained his favor; so he readily gave beauty preparations to her, besides her allowance...[nkjv]

All species of animals have a unique way of attracting a mate. Some use a special call, or a bright display of colours, or a display of strength, or a weird dance or even a display of affection (such as licking themselves). The male hippo uses his faeces to attract the attention of the ladies while Amazon river dolphins initiate courtship by gently nibbling the flippers of their female counterparts and then presenting with clumps of weeds like exquisite bouquets.

But no matter how diverse or bizarre the methods of attraction are in the animal kingdom, there is no species on earth quite like humans!

The things we do for love. Waxing. Plucking. Exfoliating. Bleaching. Tattooing. Piercing. We put ourselves through grueling and often painful beauty regimes all in the hope of attracting that special someone.

In the quest for beauty it seems that anything that is part of or comes out of an animal is fair game. Sheep placenta treatments are said to keep the Hollywood elite looking gorgeous and youthful while others use bull semen on their hair, or as Victoria Beckham discovered, nightingale droppings on your face make a great skin cream. Japanese women drink collagen derived from pigs, chickens and cows to help boost their skin from the inside out. While many Westerners think nothing of having paralytic toxins injected into their face during their lunch breaks.

Hollywood actress Demi Moore travelled to Austria to be sucked by leeches, to help detoxify her blood.

In the Karo tribe of southern Ethiopia, village elders make cuts on young girl's stomachs that heal into prominent scars, which are considered beautiful and will make them more attractive to men.

When it comes to pain, China ranks among the most masochistic. To add a few inches to their frames, some well off Chinese have both of their legs broken and steel pins inserted, just below the knees and above the ankles. Every day as the broken bones try to heal, the height seeking patient turns an adjustment knob to pull them apart, forcing a new bone to grow in the gap. The agonizing painful procedure takes six months, all for a typical gain of three inches.

The ancient Hebrew word for 'beauty preparations' comes from the root meaning “to scour, to polish.” Contrary to what you may think, Esther didn't spend a year of her life living it up in some Persian spa. Rather, she underwent grueling skin treatments, as every blemish was removed. Often through pain. So that she could one day stand before the king.

God is not evil. His plans for my life are good. But He sometimes requires of me to undergo these 'beauty preparations'. They are not pleasant or comfortable but they are necessary. And as much as I want to take the easy road, its often through the scouring and the polishing that I am refined.

So that one day, I can stand before my King spotless and without blemish.
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Oprah Changed My Life! (Esther 1)

Esther 1.12-13 But Queen Vashti refused to come at the king’s command brought by his eunuchs; therefore the king was furious, and his anger burned within him. Then the king said to the wise men who understood the times... [nkjv]

If the acquisition of wealth, fame or power is high on your 'to do list', there is one sure way of making all your dreams come true - get yourself booked on the Oprah Winfrey Show!

On October 18th 2006, presidential hopeful, Barak Obama appeared on Oprah, as a result, internet searches on the Illinois senator increased 358% the following week. In May 2007, Oprah announced she would be supporting Obama in his push for the presidency. One analysis estimates she delivered over a million votes by the close of the 2008 Democratic primary race.

For struggling musicians, a one-shot appearance on Oprah can change your life. Oleta Adams album, 'Circle of One' was something of a snoozer till she went on Oprah. Faster than you can say, "Go girlfriend", a cool 300,000 copies were sold and the album shot to No. 20 on Billboard's Top Pop Albums chart!

'The Story of Edgar Sawtelle', a book by David Wroblewski debuted at #14 on the New York Times bestseller list with an initial print run of 26,000. After Oprah announced this book as her book clubs latest title, an extra 750,000 copies were printed and the book found its way in the #1 position.

Oprah is known as the most influential woman in the world. She has been ranked the richest African American of the 20th century and the most philanthropic African American of all time. Her show is watched by an estimated 45 million viewers each week and is the highest rated program of its kind in history.

Just one word of endorsement from this queen of talk tv can change your life forever!

Queen Vashti was like the Oprah of the ancient world. She had influence and lots of it. But according to the story, she made one fatal mistake. She made her decisions alone. She discussed with no one before answering the king's request. Had she had even one trusted advisor, maybe her answer would have been different. In contrast we learn later than Queen Esther ran everything past her trusted advisor, Mordecai.

Isolation is a killer. We end up making mistakes, hurting ourselves and others in the process. No matter who we are, we all need people in our lives we can go to for wisdom, advice or just to use as a sounding board. I call these people my 'north' people. They keep me on track. They stop me from making huge mistakes and they encourage me to keep on moving forward. My life is so much richer for having them.

King Ahasuerus had his advisors, Queen Esther had Mordecai, Vashti had no one.

Who do you have?
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Be All You Can Be! (Mark 14)

Mark 14. 8 She has done what she could. She has come beforehand to anoint My body for burial. [nkjv]

Randy Kraus was paralyzed. His left side was useless. But his right hand was good enough to lift the barrel of a .38 to his temple. Once, he'd been a police officer in Fresno, California, and owned a private-eye agency. Once, he'd been strong and able. Now, he felt he was nothing.

His trouble started with Parkinson's disease, but it didn't end there. In July 2002, the 60-year-old Kraus went into the hospital for an operation that implanted electrodes in his brain to control the shaking. But during the operation, he had a stroke. He was paralyzed. The cop, the tough guy, the man who loved golf, "could think, but couldn't move." Transferred to a rehab hospital, Kraus wanted the therapists to give it to him straight. "You may never walk again," they told him. "Maybe you won't even be able to talk."

Once home, he found he couldn't lift a fork or take a drink by himself. Physical therapy was so painful and slow. What did he have to live for? So now Kraus held the gun against his head. Feeling the cold metal on his skin, he began to consider not his pain, but the pain he would cause his wife, daughters and grandchildren. He didn't pull the trigger.

And his exercise physiologist, Andrew Garud, didn't pull any punches with him. "You are where you are", he told him. "The pace would be slow; the pain would be real. But as long as you are alive, you have the ability to get better." After three months of working with Garud, Kraus wanted to see if he could stand. He could. Then he took three steps, sat down and cried like a baby.

One step, as they say, led to another. Next he managed a short walk along the edge of a boxing ring in the health club where they worked out. It was the hardest fight of Kraus's life. People at the gym cheered him on. Garud kept saying he could do more.

Today, Kraus can walk up to 50 feet with no assistance, brush his teeth, shave himself, and uses an eletric wheelchair to enjoy an active lifestyle. He finds great pride in helping local patients find their path to recovery, just like he found his. He has become an inspiration to many.

Sometimes we can mistakenly think that success is receiving world wide recognition for your talents and achievements. We can think that success equals money in the bank, a degree on the wall, a top 10 hit. But Jesus' definition of success is found in this story of the lady with the anointing oil. He praised her because she
did all she could!

God expects no more from us than doing ALL we can do.

For each of us that will be different because we all have different capacities. The question we need to ask ourselves is, "Have I done what God has asked of me to the best of my ability?"

Sometimes we set the bar too low. Left on our own we often take the easy road. We all need at least one person in our life like Andrew Garud. Someone who will speak the truth and urge us on. Someone who believes in us and someone who won't settle for any less than our best.

John Wesley once said, "Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can as long as ever you can."

Simply by doing the most insignificant task to the best of your ability, you could inspire a whole generation.

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Left Behind! (Mark 13)

Mark 13.33-36 Take heed, watch and pray; for you do not know when the time is. It is like a man going to a far country, who left his house and gave authority to his servants, and to each his work, and commanded the doorkeeper to watch. Watch therefore, for you do not know when the master of the house is coming—in the evening, at midnight, at the crowing of the rooster, or in the morning - lest, coming suddenly, he find you sleeping. [nkjv]

In August 2008 a four-year-old Israeli girl was left behind at Ben Gurion International Airport at Tel-Aviv as her mother, father and four siblings rushed to catch a flight to Paris. The ultra-Orthodox family of seven, who between them had 18 suitcases, were in a hurry not to miss their flight and in their haste failed to notice that only six of them had actually boarded the plane. The girl was found crying and wandering around the departures hall by a police officer. It was too late to stop the plane as it had already left the terminal. As the aircraft gained height, the girl’s parents suffered the crushing embarrassment of being told by the pilot that their family was one short. They had apparently still not realised. There was a happy ending to the story as the little girl was put on the next flight to Paris, accompanied by a flight attendant. The forgetful parents were questioned by authorities upon their return home.

There is an event on the Christian calendar which is shrouded in mystery. No one knows exactly when it will take place or what it will look like but it is getting closer day by day. I am talking about the return of the Lord Jesus Christ.

As a child in the late 70's and early 80's I can remember hearing preachers talk a lot about the return of Jesus. Planes falling out of the sky. The mark of the beast. Earthquakes. Famine. Disease. Persecution. The Rapture. It sent chills up my spine.

I remember coming home one day from school to find no one at home. There were no notes, no phone messages, just a freshly made cup of coffee on the table and no one around. The words of Larry Norman's song, "I wish we'd all been ready," came echoing back to me. One line in particular screamed loudly around in my head, "there's no time to change your mind, the Son has come and you've been left behind."

I panicked! Immediately I began phoning every person I could think of who I was certain was a better Christian than me, the only problem was no one was answering their phone!

Just as I was about to fall in a heap on the floor and plead with God for a second chance, I heard the familiar sound of my parent's combi van coming up the driveway.

Despite my misguided fears, there is going to come a day when Jesus will return like He said He would. To each of us His servants, He has left us with the responsibility for His house, given us His authority, and commissioned us with work to do. When He returns I am sure He will want to see just how faithful we have been with these in His absence.

My Dad had a very simple philispohy on end times. "Plan as though Jesus is never coming back but live like He is coming back this very minute."

I wonder what Jesus will find me doing when He returns?

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Who Wants to be a Millionaire? (Mark 12)

Mark 12.42-44 Then one poor widow came and threw in two mites, which make a quadrans. So He called His disciples to Himself and said to them, “Assuredly, I say to you that this poor widow has put in more than all those who have given to the treasury; for they all put in out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty put in all that she had, her whole livelihood. [nkjv]

Just last week a Queensland couple and a man from Adelaide won $53m dollars each in Oz Lotto's biggest division one prize. To a lot of Australians, winning the lotto is a dream come true. The chance to get ahead in life. But for those lucky few, the dream can quickly turn into a nightmare.

"Winning the lottery isn't always what it's cracked up to be," says Evelyn Adams, who won the New Jersey lottery not just once, but twice, to the tune of $5.4m. Today the money is all gone and Adams lives in a trailer.

Jack Whittaker won a record $314.9m Powerball jackpot in 2002. But life for him has been anything but perfect since that day. There has been a long list of arrests, lawsuits and broken relationships. In 2007 his wife admitted she wished she had torn up the ticket.

William Post won $16.2 million in the Pennsylvania Lottery in 1988. He was sued by a former girlfriend and his brother hired a hitman in the hope of inheriting his winnings. Post invested badly and within a year was $1m in debt! Today he gets by on social security payments and wishes the whole thing never happened.

Janite Lee won $18 million in 1993 but filed for bankruptcy just eight years later.

Michael Carroll won $9.7m in 2002 and after 30 court appearances and being jailed for drug related offenses, admitted to only having $500,000 of his windfall left just six years later.

Willie Hurt won $3.1m in 1989 and spent it all on divorce and cocaine within two years.

I could go on and on...

Jesus watched as this poor widow gave her two mites. According to custom, she had an obligation to pay something into the treasury. One coin was expected. But she gave two!

And even though what she gave was so small in comparison to other's gifts that day, Jesus highlighted the fact that the value of a gift is determined by what it cost the giver. This is what made the widow's offering so valuable.

It cost her everything!

Most of us haven't won the lotto. We have debts, mortgages, and bills. We are pulled in a thousand different directions by things wanting our time and attention. We have to get up each morning, go to work, to earn money to live. Even though it may seem like we have very little, we can't use our lack as a reason not to be generous.

Generous with our time, our money, our words and our life.

The poor widow challenged the mindset, "I'll give more when I have more". And Jesus noticed her out of everyone else!

I wonder if I were in that line that day, would my offering have caught Jesus' attention?
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