I've spent the majority of my Christian life dealing with the same old stuff year after year. I don't want to be someone who is weak in my faith. I don't think that's what God wants either. I need to be consistently in the scriptures day after day. This takes discipline (the dreaded 'd' word). So I put together something to help me (the most undisciplined person on the planet).
For me, this s2s Project is all about building a healthy life on a solid foundation of the Word of God. It's about building the discipline of getting into the Bible daily and taking the time to reflect on what God might want to say to me through His Word.
So this is the plan - read ONE chapter of scripture each day and write out the ONE verse which says something to me. By sharing this online, I guess I am hoping that you can help keep me accountable and even join in if you want to.
Feel free to leave a comment and if you read the chapter, maybe leave the one verse which impacted you. Let's help each other on the journey.